Greetings, Church Family!
As we approach Thanksgiving 2023, we are excited to look back over the past year, from November 2022 through October 2023, and celebrate what God has done through Emmanuel Enid. Please join us in this celebration of God’s grace and goodness to us and through us. This Impact Report will review who we are and how we have been engaged this year with fulfilling our mission to reach and grow people across the street and around the world, all in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We are a Southern Baptist affiliated congregation dedicated to following our Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects of life. We are making a significant impact in the lives of our church family and in the lives of people throughout our local community, the state of Oklahoma, and the world. With an annual budget of $2.7 million, a staff of 16 full-time employees, dozens of part-time employees supporting children’s programs, and hundreds of wonderful volunteers, we are committed to discipling believers and sharing the gospel across the world.

We minister to an average of 674 attending worship services on Sundays (1,470 on Easter), and 780 people engaged weekly in 22 Community Groups, special interest groups, and a variety of men’s, women’s, and co-ed Bible studies. This year, we had over 32,000 views on our services online. We witnessed hundreds of people make personal decisions of faith for Jesus Christ, and we baptized 44 believers.

The foundation of our congregation’s mission is discipleship. Jesus commanded us to “make disciples” as we go about life (Matthew 28:19). This includes a passion for sharing the good news (gospel) of God’s kingdom and a commitment to invest in people’s lives to help them grow toward maturity in Christ. We do this in a variety of practical ways across all age groups.
The worship of God through preaching, giving, music, and the arts is the centerpiece of weekly activities at Emmanuel. We have impacted the spiritual growth of thousands in our church and community in inestimable ways this year through biblical sermons and many musical groups that include the Refuge band, orchestra, middle school and youth bands, and children’s, middle school, youth, and adult worship choirs. This year, Pastor Shonn led us through sermon series on the end times, Ruth, Judges, the parables of Jesus, and the names of God. Our new Worship Pastor, Dwaine, and our Creative Arts Director, Nicole, have made excellence the hallmark of our music teams as they have led us in worship through music.

Lori, our Children’s Minister, led a phenomenal team of volunteers who invested nearly daily in our children’s lives. This year, our church family provided nursery care for dozens of women’s and family ministry programs, we hosted Vacation Bible School for 250 in the community, we provided community and worship groups for 70-80 every Sunday, and we discipled 50-65 each week through Awana Clubs. We took 30 kids to CrossTimbers summer camp, and we baptized 7 children. Our children themselves impacted children in the world by partnering with American Heritage Girls and packing 206 gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child.
We love our next generation of enthusiastic Christ followers and leaders. Jordan, our Youth Minister, and his dedicated team of 25 adult leaders discipled 80-110 middle and high school students each week through our Sunday and Wednesday youth programs. Weekly large-group teaching centered around knowing God, distinguishing Christianity from other world religions, and building more in-depth biblical knowledge with studies in Jude and Galatians. Students were able to connect with other students, building relationships, and growing in their faith through year-round activities and special programs. Sixty students joined us for a special weekend of spiritual growth called D-NOW; we took 89 students to Falls Creek youth camp; and we hosted 400 youth from 15 churches for a city-wide youth rally that our youth team planned and organized. This year, Jordan encouraged our students to look beyond themselves and join in several service projects: ministering to senior adults in the community, serving the children and nursery ministries in the church, sharing the gospel to the community through a “grill walk” and even re-roofing a home.

We praise God that Emmanuel Enid’s building is almost never empty! Throughout the week, there is a flurry of activity as the adult members of our family engage with God and one another through community groups, Bible studies, “D-Groups” (discipleship groups focused on specific areas such as finances, grief, and cancer), Pioneers (for our senior adults), men’s dinners, and women’s groups designed for mentoring, special interests, and missions. This year, our Celebrate Recovery (CR) ministry, with 85 regularly attending adults, introduced nearly 100 hundred people to the power of Jesus and hosted a “CR RENEW” event that welcomed 300 people from 5 states to our church for a day of worship and spiritual growth.
Some of the worldwide events of this past year soberly remind us that we live in a fallen world with real evil that seeks to harm others. We have made the safety and security of Emmanuel Christian School and our congregation a top priority this year by improving security procedures, adding new physical security measures, upgrading and expanding our security camera system, hiring a part-time Safety Team Coordinator and Night Watchman, and adding a uniformed law enforcement presence on campus during worship services and special events. We wholeheartedly trust God who is our strong defense, while prayerfully investing in our people, facilities, procedures, and training to safeguard the church.

Jesus said all the commands of God depend on two things: that we love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind; and that we love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:40). For this reason, we not only focused inwardly on ourselves and our church family, we also turned our attention outward to serve people outside of our church. This year we had a broad impact on our community and world.

Emmanuel Christian School, the single largest ministry of Emmanuel Enid -- with a $1.1 million budget and 34 staff and teachers -- served 216 children in Pre-K3 through 5th grade. We provided a first-rate, affordable Christian education to scores of families all over Garfield County, most of whom do not attend Emmanuel Enid.
In 2023, we touched the lives of many across Northwest Oklahoma through our Team Impact outreach, our support for Enid’s “The One” Christmas celebration, our multi-generational Christmas choir and orchestral concert, our hosting of Christian music artists Point of Grace and David Phelps, and an exciting
line up of Holy Week events that included Passover, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday,
and Easter.

We believe it is vital to show the love of Christ to our community in tangible, practical ways. These are some examples of the impact we have had in Enid and Garfield County:
Pacific Island Ministry - Yohanes, our Pacific Island Minister, led a team of volunteers to minister to the large Marshallese community residing in Enid through after-school tutoring, worship and Bible studies, celebration of Marshallese holidays, and a youth basketball program.
Adoption and Foster Care - Emmanuel continued to be the top church supporter in Enid of foster care and Project 111. Our family led the Garfield county community by serving 198 children with an economic impact of $140,182. We provided 100 gifts for children in foster care and youth and family services.
Support for local impact ministries - Out of the generous gifts of our members, we provided material support to Journey Women’s Center, Forgotten Ministries, United Way, 4RKids, the Enid Ministerial Alliance, and the Vance Air Force Base Chaplain’s Office.
We believe it is vital to show the love of Christ to our community in tangible, practical ways. These are some examples of the impact we have had in Enid and Garfield County:
Benevolence - We provided financial relief and support to 157 people both inside and outside our church family.
Moms and children - We provided a Kid’s Day Out option and All Moms program to invest in the many mothers in our community seeking to enrich their lives spiritually and grow in their roles as mothers.
Many others - Through disaster relief trips, ESL classes, Trail Life and American Heritage Girls scouting programs, and much more, we impacted the lives of hundreds in Enid.

In our 2023 budget, we allocated $281,500 for world and local missions, and we will give above and beyond that amount through a special missions offering in early 2024 and as our budget grows. We continued our substantial financial support for the SBC Cooperative Program, donated to the Lottie Moon world missions offering, and supported the Edna McMillan state missions offering. This past year, we sent mission teams to Niger (medical work), Guatemala (children’s ministry), Poland (English language camps), and Honduras (support for a rural church that Emmanuel funded). Our team for India was denied entry into the country, but we will try again next year and continue our support of the medical work and ministry in that country.

We have tried to be brief, and this report provides only a snapshot of our past year. Everything we have done during November 2022 through October 2023 is for the glory of God and the furtherance of his kingdom. The faithful giving and service of each member of our church family enables us to fulfill our mission impacting thousands in our church, our community, and our world. We have had an exciting year, and we invite you to be a part of this exciting work through giving and serving. Give online here. Join a serve team here.