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The Emmanuel Enid Youth ministry is a time set aside for students between the grades of 6-12. We have many goals we want to achieve during this time: we want to teach the bible holistically and clearly so that students are motivated to study the Word on their own!

Get to Know Us

We want students to realize that they are created in the image of God, and we are to reflect the characteristics of God on earth; we want the Spirit to move on them so that they are compelled by the beauty of Jesus to begin participating within the salvific project of God, and to bring His Kingdom to Earth. Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights are organized to be straight forward, clear, and for the Bible to be the major theme so that students can grow in their relationship with Jesus in the best way possible. 


This is a place where tough questions can be asked, and responses can be given in a thoughtful manner. In this age of “Deconstruction” – we are working hard to build a faith that is set upon a good foundation upon Biblical truths so that our teens can overcome – through the power of the Holy Spirit and Prayer – life’s difficult obstacles. 

Come Hang!

Where We Meet:

The Connect Space is located upstairs on the second floor on the south side of the church! 


Meeting times: 

Sunday: 10:00-11:00 - Small groups 

Wednesday: 5:30-6:30 - Games and Food 

6:30-7:00 -  Worship 

7:00-7:30  - Teaching 

7:30-8:00  - Small Groups


For more information on our student ministry, you can contact Jordan Brown, our Youth Minister.

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