Emmanuel Enid exists to glorify God by reaching and growing people across the street and around the world in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. To maximize our redemptive potential in Enid and beyond we will embark on the “Reshaping the Future” Capital Improvements Campaign. Here are answers to frequently asked questions concerning such campaigns.

What should I give to the Capital Improvements Campaign?
In the Scriptures, giving is less about money and more about the heart. Giving is about growing our faith. It is about learning to trust God more in our lives. Understanding this, instead of measuring your gift by a dollar amount consider using the following measures to determine the size of your gift.
-Does my investment make a difference to me—increase my commitment to God, His church, and the great gospel venture?
-Does the size of my gift come from times of intentional prayer? Have I truly asked God to guide me to a number when considering the “Reshaping the Future” Capital Improvements Campaign?
-Have I engaged in healthy conversation with my spouse, family, friends, and church family?
-If everyone else in the church made a sacrificial gift equal to mine (in terms of commitment rather than dollars), will God be honored in my level of commitment and investment to His Kingdom purposes in this campaign?
If I cannot commit to giving a large amount, will my gift matter?
Absolutely! Again, giving is more about developing a sacrificial heart and a generous spirit. Please read Luke 21:1-4. The foundation for our “Reshaping the Future” CIC is the principle—“equal sacrifices, not equal gifts.” We want everyone to participate and grow from this experience regardless of the size of their gifts.
When should I give and how long will the campaign last?
You should give when and how the Lord leads you to give. However, we are encouraging everyone to pray about bringing an above and beyond special gift on Sunday, June 2, so we can begin the work as soon as possible.
While we hope to raise the full two million for the campaign in one calendar year, we will continue to encourage giving to this project until the total amount is raised.
What is a Capital Improvements Campaign (CIC)?
It is a church-wide stewardship project designed to encourage and increase the generosity of its members while raising the necessary resources to effectively complete a renovation project debt free.
What about the annual budget?
A CIC is, by definition, giving above and beyond the normal tithes and offerings used to support the annual ministry and mission of the church. It typically lasts from one to three years. We hope to complete this campaign within 12 months.
Will we go in debt during this Capital Improvements Campaign?
No, we are a debt-free church and will do all we can with God’s help to remain debt-free.
What forms of contributions will be accepted?
All contributions are tax-deductible and can be made by cash, check, online, and through stocks.
Will I be pressured to give or to make a pledge?
No, you will not be pressured to give or to make a pledge. We will simply present to the church the prayerfully attained God-ordained plan and encourage you to seek the Lord for direction on how, what, and when you are to give. We trust God to provide through His people!
Where in the Bible can I read to help me discern how I should give?
You will benefit from a study of the following Scriptures as you seek to discern the Lord’s will in your giving to this CIC: Matthew 6:19-21; Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35; 1 Corinthians 16:1-2; 2 Corinthians 8:7; Proverbs 3:5-10; Proverbs 11:25; Psalm 116:12.
What work will be done in and around the church during this CIC?
We will first replace the existing membrane roof (the leaky one) with a higher-grade metal roof like the existing one over our current worship center. The metal roof will also aesthetically enhance the look of our facilities.
We will renovate and update our youth facility (the Connect Space) to enhance our ability to reach and grow more students.
We will renovate and update our children’s department to enhance the learning experiences for our children and create a more secure and kid friendly space within our church so we can reach and grow more children.
We will replace and upgrade several items in our technology department including new cameras to enhance our ability to provide an excellent experience in our in-person gatherings and to increase our ability to produce more content for social media and our local television station.
We will renovate and update the exterior of our faculty to fit the culture we have been called to reach and grow with the gospel. While we have been blessed with an incredible gift we call home, it is time to update our property.
We will also renovate our landscaping at the end of this project to beautify our campus even more as we desire to create an excellent environment from the streets to the seats understanding that excellence honors God and attracts people.
What will we do with any surplus?
Ten percent of any surplus will be placed in our missions account with the remainder placed in the designated capital improvements account for future needs.
Thank you for being a vital part of the Emmanuel Enid family. We are grateful for your love, commitment, and support! You truly make a difference as you regularly give of your time, energy, and resources for the glory of God and the good of His church. May God use “Reshaping the Future” to better position us for ministry today and for our kids and grandkids who one day will inherit this beautiful church from us and continue the legacy of faith that was once passed to us.
If you would like to see a copy of the building plans, please email brelin@emmanuelenid.org.