Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." We'd love to invite you to join in on what God is doing at Emmanuel through joining one of our serve teams!
Serve Teams

Hospitality Team
This team provides a welcoming and warm atmosphere assisting guests and members with parking, greeting them as they enter, ushering during services, and attending to the tidiness of high traffic areas.

Events Team
This team is for those who love to be a part of special events. Members of the Events Team serve in various roles at special events like concerts, special dinners, community outreaches, and more.

E2 Kids Team
The E2 Kids team is dedicated to partnering with parents to teach children about God and the Bible in fun and engaging ways. There are many ways and opportunities to serve within the E2 Kids ministry. Note: a background check and one-hour, online Sexual Abuse Awareness Training class is required for all children’s volunteers. Learn more about E2 Kids here!

Youth Team
The Youth Team provides a venue and leaders who help teenagers discover Jesus, worship God, serve others, and connect with their peers. (Note: a background check and one-hour, online Sexual Abuse Awareness Training class is required for all youth volunteers.) Learn more about Emmanuel Enid's student ministry here!

Worship & Creative Arts Team
The Worship & Creative Arts team employs their creativity and varied gifts of singing, instrumental music, drama, and visual arts to lead the church in worship and invite people into the presence of God. Learn more about Worship Arts here!

Production & Tech Team
If you have a love of technology and working behind the scenes, the Production & Tech Team may be for you. They make our worship services and other special events!

Prayer Team
The Prayer Team meets every month to pray during one of the services and supports the prayer initiatives of the church.

Women's Ministry Team
The Women’s Ministry Team organizes and hosts a variety of studies, mentoring, and social events to reach and minister to women in the church and community.

Administration Team
The Administration Service Team works with the office staff to complete weekly duties of the church. Some tasks require basic computer skills and are clerical in nature while others do not. Requirements include a warm heart, bright smile, and willing spirit.

Baptism Team
The Baptism Service Team offers support to those being baptized. Team members will greet and give instruction to the person getting baptized, as well as offer a warm and welcoming presence to the family members present during this special time.

Green Team
The Green Team is for those who enjoy working outdoors, whether you have a green thumb or not! This team will work on special seasonal outdoor and gardening projects that enhance the impact of our grounds on our church’s mission.

Facility Team
For those who are handy with a variety of construction skills, the Facility Team works on special projects to ensure our facilities are well maintained and enhance the church’s mission to help people find and follow Jesus.

PIM Team
The Pacific Island Ministries (PIM) team serves in a variety of roles to minister to the large community of Pacific Island immigrants in Enid. This includes our tutoring, basketball, and outreach programs.

Mission, Outreach &
Evangelism Team
The MOE team is for those who love to help organize or support short term missions teams, or who enjoy engaging with people one-on-one at special events to share the gospel, offer counsel, or encourage them in the next step of their faith.
Safety Team
Safety Team members work together to reduce risk and provide a safe environment for church staff, members, and guests.