Holy Week at Emmanuel is kicking off on Palm Sunday, April 2nd. We are excited to walk through Jesus' last days on earth together as a church as we prepare our hearts for Easter- Resurrection Sunday! We hope you'll make plans to join us for all of our Holy Week events.

Our Holy Week journey starts on Palm Sunday. We will have two services on Sunday, April 2nd. Our 9am service is our blended-style worship service and our 11am service is our modern-style. Both services can be attended in-person or online! On the evening of Palm Sunday, our Children's Ministry is putting on a special Easter Musical at 6pm! All are welcome to attend.
Maundy Thursday, Jesus' last supper with His disciples and the night before His crucifixion. We will observe this night on Thursday, April 6th at 6pm. It will be an evening of prayer, worship, and reflection.

Our Good Friday service is going to look a little bit different this year! This year we will be watching "The Passion of The Christ" movie together as a church family at 6pm on Friday, April 7th. This will be a great opportunity to see the story of the crucifixion come to life as we consider what Jesus endured on the cross. (Kids and youth will be showing movies in their spaces as well).
The grand finale of our Holy Week celebration is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! On Easter Sunday, April 9th, we will have three morning services: 8am (Bridge-blended), 9:30am (Bridge-blended), and 11am (Refuge-modern). Bring your whole family and come celebrate the fact that the tomb is empty and Jesus is alive!