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Masinagudi, India
Our partnership in India is with Dr. Babu and Dr. Sally Narendran and their family who run a gospel oriented non-profit—HopeTrustIndia. The ministry is located at the foothills of the Nilgiri mountains otherwise known as the ‘Blue Mountains’. The area is covered on all sides by dense forests encompassing three states - Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. Wild animals: tigers, leopards, elephants, bears, cobras, monkeys and deer are common in this area. The ministry reaches and serves the native dwellers of this jungle area belonging to
various tribes such as Irula, Kurumba, Paniya and Nayakkars.

Hope Trust India is committed to demonstrating God’s unconditional love through providing free medical care to the tribal natives in the area. They do one-day medical clinics deeper in the forest and take American teams to do VBS style ministry with the villagers while they wait to be seen by the doctors. The ministry also teaches the Scriptures in an English-speaking school for about 200 tribal kids on the main compound.

If you have a medical background, education background, VBS background, or a desire to serve in an unreached people group this is a great mission for you to consider. You will need a valid passport and a visa. The trip leader can help you secure these documents. There are no vaccines required to make this trip.

For more information contact Shonn Keels at
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